Friday, December 25, 2015

Game Review: Sims 3 Supernatural

Random Game Review - Sims 3 Supernatural 

As of lately, I took a break from World of Warcraft, and decided to play a different game. The Sims 3: Supernatural. A game that came out about three years ago, and is still fun to play. This is the first time, of course, that I have really played this game (supernatural) and decided that I might has well make a review on it. 

So here it is: 

About The Sims 3: Supernatural

The Sims 3: Supernatural came out in the year 2012 (3 Years ago) as an expansion for The Sims 3: Ambitions. In this expansion, the player is allowed to create various sims of various races. This includes: Vampires, Witches, Ghosts, Werewolves, Fairies, and of course, Humans. The player also has an option to move to a new town. 


The gameplay is a bit more exciting then the previous expansion, the new town is  full of forests, full of other supernaturals, and has a very interesting atmosphere. But, I always end up returning to Sunset valley, only because the map seems bigger, and I like to have the supernaturals in one area of the town. Anyway, moving on to the races, Witches are a lot of fun to play. Not only do you get to cast spells and make potions, but you also get to do conversion rituals. Meaning that you can turn objects into other things using your magic power which you can regain by ether waiting a little while, or drinking the potion Essence of Magic. 

The vampires in the game, are a bit interesting, but are not new. In a previous expansion, Late Night, Vampire sims are introduced. Which was an interesting addition, but in this one, they are a bit more interesting. Now of course, this is based on reviews, but so far in this one, you can become immortal by earning enough points (lifetime happiness rewards). Which is nice because you don’t have to keep applying the vampiric sunscreen potion every single time you want to go outside for a while. 

The Fairies in the game are similar to witches, but have a cool feature added in.
Translucent sparkly wings. Like the witches, Fairies can use magic with a wand and have a magic power bar that tells how much magical energy they have. An interesting feature added to this one, is that you can walk up to any of the fairies and ask for Fairy Dust. (I’m not really sure yet what you use this for). 

As for the werewolves and ghosts, I have yet to play those, but so far they seem to have similar interactions. Werewolves have the two forms, one being a person and they other more animal like. On a full moon (which is located above the portrait of the sim) the werewolf will turn. Other times regardless of the sim’s race, he/she will get a bit luny and possibly hit or hug another sim. 

Overall Review

The game is fun, and worth playing. In many ways, I would recommend the Witch, because there are a lot more interactions and fun things to do (like casting a fire blast on another sim or ice blast, which causes the sim to freeze). It also feels awesome to stand there and make potions while wearing a witches hat. Just adds more to the game. 

Currently, I may do another review after this on the World adventures and will have a more detailed report on how things go with this. In the meantime, here are screenshots or pictures of sims doing things in game. 

More screenshots below with descriptions underneath
Click the image to enlarge. 

This is Bonehilda. She is a skeleton maid that lives in a coffin type house
and when you summon her, she cleans your house and will even fight off
burglars (while freaking a few sims out in the process, because she's 
a skeleton). 

Bonehilda's House (Above) 

What happens when you throw a Zombiefication Elixir at a sim. 
(or cast the spell on a sim if you are high enough in magic) 

The control panel in supernatural. Notice the Phase of the moon under the portrait,
which indicates what each new phase is. When the phase is a full moon, 
a notification comes up and your sim might do a few interesting things. 

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Dust by Joan Frances Turner (REVIEW)

CAUTION: There maybe a few spoilers in this review, but I will warn you NOT to read further if you don't like spoilers.  

One day while I was at the college library, I decided I wanted to read a book about the popular supernatural/sci-fi creature known as The Zombie. But, I didn't want just any kind of Zombie story. I wanted one from the Zombie's point of view. Odd request, I know. I have read the book Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion, but it was a bit too simplistic for me. So my librarian recommended this book called Dust by Joan Frances Turner. From the moment I read the first line of the book, I was hooked.

The story is about a young girl named Jessie, who died in a car accident (this is stated on the first page) and rises up from her grave as one of the undead. She ends up joining a gang of other Undeads (Called The Fly By Nights) that find her in the forest of "hick-vill" Indiana. So far, un-death is wonderful. She has a new family and even another undead, whom she falls in love with, named Joe. They hunt, they dance, they fight, and they stick together.

All is well until Jessie one day she sees her alive sister, Lisa, at the grave yard and things go as expected. Lisa runs away from her, and Jessie is left feeling dumb for even attempting
to communicate with her. Eventually, things begin to change when Jessie and the rest of her gang, notice that there has been a change not only amongst themselves, but among the others around the area. They all appear to be more...Alive. Skin is beginning to re-grow, they stop eating, and they smell like they have been dipped in Ether. Time goes on, and things end up getting worse. Eventually, the whole gang is falling apart, and the only two left are Jessie, a fellow undead named Linc, Renee, and eventually, Jessie's sister, who also turned into one of the more "new" undeads.

This isn't an incredibly well-written review, but I find it the only way I can really describe the book. It is a wonderful, fresh plot of a Zombie apocalypse narrated from a Zombie's point of view. Throughout the book, you are constantly questioning things and getting attached to characters, like Joe and Jessie. (The greatest Zombie couple ever).

The book itself, is well-written and the only downside, is that Jessie has a lot of odd dreams that kind of make you want to skip them, and get to the good parts. The book is very addictive, and has some interesting twists and turns.

Apparently, I found out the book is also a series, which the second two are Frail and Grave. I read a little bit of Frail, and all it was, was about a girl in a zombie apocalypse named Amy who gets left behind by her mother, and that's as far as I got. I have read reviews on this, and it is not as good and Fresh as the first one. I have yet to see the third, and will write a review on that as well.

My Rating: 
I give is 4 skulls out of 5. Reason being that, while this is a wonderful book with a fresh plot etc. There are a still a few things that I feel could have been avoided. The transitions being one of them. They were a bit sudden, and didn't seem to be a smooth as others I have read.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

New Fan Art + Thoughts on Warcraft Movie & Expansion

Of course as of lately, I had gotten some new markers, so I just had to make a few more fan art pieces. The following are: Zangramarsh (Outlands), Koltira Deathweaver & Thassarian, and Mists of
Pandaria fan art.

Mists of Pandaria 

Koltira Deathweaver & Thassarian 

Zangramarsh (Outlands) 

Thoughts on Warcraft (movie) & Legion Expansion 
I just decided to add this one on the last of my list, and given that I have done a number of fan art pieces on it, I figured I might as well give my opinion on this movie. For those out there who play World of Warcraft, you probably have heard a lot about the upcoming movie Warcraft. I am not a huge lore correct role-player type fan, given that I just really enjoy exploring the game, playing my characters, stalking Arthas (while repeated trying to get invincible), and just fooling around like a noob, so my take on the movie might not be 100% accurate.

In saying so, here is my opinion: I believe that the movie may be mediocre but good somewhat. Usually video game type movies are that (think of Resident Evil) way and I just cant help but feel that way. Aside from that, for some reason I can't take the armor and cluttered backgrounds as seriously, because it doesn't really look real. (I realize this is a fantasy movie) Now of course I have not seen the movie yet, I could be completely wrong, but I feel it may not be as good as I would hope. Possibly because it has way too many effects, the backgrounds are too cluttered (I have seen the still shots) and it is hard for me to take it seriously just by looking at armor that is bulky and made to look "real". But that is just my opinion. Now granted I must care a bit about it because I am making a post about it, obviously I am a bit excited but I don't want to be disappointed.

Now of course, I have seen the trailer for the Legion expansion that is coming out soon, and I feel that it will be an awesome game since they are indeed adding a bit of Wrath & a lot of Burning Crusade into the mix, even to the point of bringing Illidan back from the dead, which is interesting. Although I may not be the only one who thinks this, but for some reason the trailer looked like a scene from Pirates of the Caribbean. Not sure why. But I could be mistaken.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Halloween and Coming Soon

While Halloween has been only a few days ago, and due to the fact that if you are a Halloween fan, everyday is Halloween in your heart, I will post a few Halloween facts and some random artwork from the October season.

The worlds first Jack'O Lantern 
Each and every year during Halloween, practically everyone who celebrates the holiday, will set out a carved pumpkin with a candle inside as a decoration. Now some may question (or not), "I wonder who started this trend"? Well, that can be explained in this paragraph:

As stated in the Book of Bizarre Things (Close enough to the title), the first Jack' O Lantern came about in the tale of a man named Jack, chased the devil up a tree, and carved out a cross right below him so that the devil would not come down. Feeling pleased with this, he returned to his sinful life of sloth and gluttony. When the time came for Jack to go to the great beyond, the lord would not let him go to heaven due to his life of sins. And the devil, who managed to get off the tree would not let him go to Hell ether, for chasing him up an apple tree. Having no-where to go, the devil feeling a form of pity for the man, gave Jack some coal to light his way. One day while eating a turnip, Jack got disgusted with it, and decided to put the coal into the turnip, making the world's first Jack' O Lantern.

This of course, was a tale that was invented in Europe when people used to carve their turnips and use them to make a Jack'O Lantern.

Danger Dolan Halloween Candy
One of the reasons I posted this one is because Danger Dolan has always been a favorite of mine, and I felt the need to post this list of his Halloween Candy List. The link will be posted at the bottom for the website. Enjoy!

As quoted from Danger Dolan.TV: Click Here to visit the website
From delicious hair of the werewolf to blood bags filled with sugary goo, we count 15 of the funnest, most awesome pieces of Halloween candy ever prepared by crazy companies and websites
15 – Insect Candy
  • So you might look at these and think, hey, a bunch of plastic insect toys embedded in a lollipop
  • Well, process real insects and dip them in candy – yes, they’re real, live insects frozen in time, ready to be eaten with a crunchy, delicious taste
  • You can get ants, crickets, worms and scorpions in your lollipop, although the scorpions are more expensive since they’re usually reluctant to become food
14 – Brain-Flavoured Zombie Mints
  • These are made specifically for zombies, but regular people can eat them too
  • The official website suggests eating these to make your breath autopsy-fresh in case you need to disguise yourself in a zombie-packed street
  • They also come in Cthulu flavour, although those will just drive you insane
13 – Blue Cheese Lollipop
  • This one started out as a joke, blue cheese on a stick, and then somehow it took off and became an actual thing
  • The company that designed it, Lollyphile, they’re been experimenting with lollipop flavours like breast milk and absinthe, and this was their latest attempt at candy that makes no sense
12 – Gumball Eyes
  • A ton of bloodied up suckable eyeballs perfect for strewing around any Halloween candy table, and they’re filled with fat-free liquid cherry candy
  • Course, they taste just like any other gumball so don’t expect the familiar delicious taste of real eyeball juice inside – for that you’ll need a dark alleyway and some sharp cleavers
11 – Death Mints
  • Amazing simply for the case alone, it is, according to the website, the preferred mint of choice for vampires, corpses and zombies – and it comes with 100 mints similar to the brain-flavoured one
  • According to reviews it takes about 5 of them to get you fresh breath, but since the case is so cool you can store proper mints in there AND NOBODY WILL KNOW THE DIFFERENCE
To view the rest of this page, go to the link posted above. 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Night Elf Warlock

Note: You may want to look up World of Warcraft or read some of my other posts to know what it is. Because I do a lot of fan art of this game. (in case you don't know what it is) 

For those people who see this by some chance, and go "Oh my, she put a class with a race that doesn't even have warlocks, THAT is not correct lore, where do I even begin on how wrong this is". First off, this is just a "I wish Blizzard would do this"... kind of painting. Just because Night Elves have Death Knights, why not Warlocks? in a way it would be interesting to see that. I would love to play a Night Elf warlock. 
Lore wise, well it wouldn't make sense given the whole demon hunter stories etc. But, still, the idea sounds awesome. 

Of course I did a couple of other paintings of this in the process, but I plan to do something that is a bit more detailed and less sloppy. Which I should have planned it out more, but decided to show it on here anyway. 

As you can see here, I have the purple and green look for the warlock type look (demonology colors) and two minions in the background. Succubus (left) and Void Walker (right). now of course, I plan on perfecting this with marker since I am running close on Water Color paper. 
As for her style in the middle, it's not much of anything that is good in terms of armor, but it shows enough to say that it is a warlock and not just a night elf wearing skull armor. 

I plan on adding a bit more to this eventually in Photoshop CC and hopefully make it a bit more obvious that it is a warlock fan art type and not something that is just a slap of paint on a canvas/paper. 

I also included yellow eyes that I plan to work with later and green lips. 

Again, this is on Water Color paper with tube water color paints. 

Friday, October 2, 2015

The Girl Who Loves Horror & Horrible Reviews

Since it is the month of October, and it's getting around that time when all Halloween fans (myself included) look for a decent scary movie to watch or a nice horror/thriller book to read. Well, on one of my days at school while waiting for the teacher to enter the room, I discovered a blog site called "The Girl Who Loves Horror". Of course, most of it isn't just Horror movies but also books as well. Which I find to be very interesting, given that I enjoy looking at both. Anyway, this blogger reviews horror movies and books and gives a basic summery (similar to Fangoria Magazine) about random picks from different times. Currently, she has a post for a review on the movie "Creepy Crawlies" made in the year 2000.  A movie about a man who goes on a vacation due to his alcoholism caused by a recent divorce that caused him to have problems at work. Soon his vacation turns into a nightmare when he finds out that the island is infested with a rare cockroach that kills people. It's kind of funny, since if anyone is like myself, I can't stand cockroaches, despite the fact they really don't do anything to you, except look gross.

Click here to view the movie review.

Horrible Reviews
This was something that I have always known about for at least a year, and will say that it is a good page to look at if you are going to watch any interesting horror movie on Halloween and you want something that is going to be good.

Despite it's name, Horrible Reviews is a YouTube channel created by a guy from the Netherlands who is pretty awesome. He gives reviews on Horror movies that are everything from mild to I-wish-I-didn't-just-watch-that-clip-because-I-will-never-be-able-to-sleep-or-eat-again kind of movies. He also gives a list of his personal favorites which includes the funny movie Napoleon Dynamite and a few westerns with Clint Eastwood in it.

I'm still not quite sure why it's called "Horrible" Reviews, since they are very good, granted some of the films shown are horrible and just, shocking really, but it is a good place to find a good horror movie to watch on Halloween when trick-or-treaters are not at your door.

Click here to view the YouTube Channel

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Minecraft: Creative Mode

What is it?
Minecraft is a game that was created by a Swedish programer named Markus Notch, later made popular by a swedish company known as Mojong and currently owned by Microsoft. The object of the game is that you are a blocky character that roams in a blocky universe, and you need to survive here by collecting items for building materials and kill creatures/animals around you in order to survive. It is also a place were aside from building with blocks to create your own imaginary world, a place to hide from creatures of the night that lurk in the shadows such as witches, zombies, spiders and much more. 

Live Versions of the Game
There are live versions with in the game, where when connected to the internet, one can join a group of people and play games such as mega walls. A really fun game where you join a team in a color group of ether red, blue, green or yellow and compete against one another to destroy what is called a team's Wither. (That's the best way I can explain this). 

Creative Mode & Survival Mode
A lot of people do not know what to think of this game, and often question its blocky appearance and its sometimes faded coloring. But I can honestly say myself, that it is a creative game that challenges the mind to create things out of blocks. Basically a virtual version of the popular Legos. 
In this part, I just wanted to mention the Creative VS the Survival modes. 

In the game, a player is able to choose whether he/she wants to play in Survival Mode or Creative Mode. Survival mode, allows the player to mine resources or chop down resources in order to build shelter and then hunt random animals for food and more resources such as leather and wool to craft certain things like a bed or armor. Creative mode allows the player to be able to have unlimited resources and basically be creative in building whatever he/she wants to. (You also have the ability to "fly" around basically, by pressing the space bar twice) 

The images shown below are examples of a place that I myself have built in Minecraft. Basically a decent sized castle place with a large skull floating above. 

Minecraft is available for both PC and Mac, and you can download it from their website by clicking this link here. It costs about $20.00 to download (purchase). 

Fan Art & Purple Haired Lady

Just got a new thing of marker paper, which I decided to add in here the latest two pieces. The first one is a fan art of the Undercity. Which is a place ruled by the Undead in the game World of Warcraft. Obviously, this looks like more of a child's version of the area, but it does have a unique charm to it that I felt like showing.

The next piece that I am showing is a bit more interesting, and was a Mary Doodles inspired piece. It's called the Purple Haired Lady.  This went along with Green Haired Lady, and was a random test as well for my new Prisma colored marker, Violet.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Sketchbook 2015 Part 2

These are my latest sketches in my Decomposition notebook or Composition notebook, and the reason I am using this, is because it has nice thick pages, and I can also use it as a diary at the same time for events and planning. Below each image is a description about the image above it and what has been done to each part of that image. 

Front Cover of the Decomposition Book 
Few modifications done to the front. 

First Flap inside of the decomposition notebook. Practically changed the whole thing by taking a nice sheet of marker paper and pasted in using Elmer's Glue. Created a series of sketches of the Undercity from World of Warcraft. Scourge symbol, also from World of Warcraft is drawn on the bottom left hand side. Would have drawn a map of Icecrown Citadel if I could find it. Probably will on the final flap. 

NOTE: I was going to put in another sketch but for some reason it wouldn't show so I will have to try again later -_- wonderful...

Sunday, August 16, 2015

The Scribble Challenge & Stardoll

The Scribble Challenge
I may have mentioned this before, but in case you haven't seen it, it's really known as more of a 'What will I draw' type of challenge. Basically what you do is, you close your eyes, or blindfold your eyes while drawing a scribble on a piece of paper. Then you make something out of the scribble that you have created. It is a bit of a challenge, but is interesting when you finish.

This is another that I have created. I'm still not quite sure what I just drew, but it basically has an inspiration from Alice in Wonderland, because of the cat. Anyway, the first photo is before and the next is after.



I've had a stardoll account for a while, but hardly play it as much as I used to. When I go on now, I just enjoy decorating my suite and adding things that I have collected from a while back. Anyway, I decided this time, to make an Alice in Wonderland: Madness Returns look to it. First room is inspired by the first scene that you see in the game, which is a kind of forest type look. The next room, is inspired by the shipwreck scene in the ocean, the fourth scene is inspired by the castle train that you see with glowing red windows. Which I wasn't able to do, so I just put in the french windows. The final room was inspired by the frozen ship in a bottle with a toy looking moon above. You can see this suite by clicking here. 

Friday, July 10, 2015

House of Worlds (Preview)

NOTE: This is the first page for House of Worlds. Click on the photo to make it bigger. 

Page One: The Witch 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Random Picks

I decided to make one more post for today, on some random artists on YouTube, that you might be interested in seeing. 

Steve Ray Bro 
This is a YouTuber that I found when after watching a video series called YoMama! and Animeme, I decided to sort of do a fan art of, (How the Grinch stole christmas with Smile Dog) because Steve Ray Bro has an interesting way of drawing cartoons, and I felt like sharing his work. 

Click here to go to his channel on YouTube

Mary Doodles 
I have mentioned this one, Mary, on and off, and she is the one whom I have been really inspired by. I love the way she does a mix between realism and cartoon, which makes her work unique. (If I even worded this right, basically she is awesome). 

Also to give you another hint on who she is, she did fan art of Epic Rap Battles of History and was featured in their rap battle "Mythbusters VS Ghostbusters". 

Click here to go to her channel on YouTube 

Agnes Cecile 
This is another artist I found, while browsing YouTube, she is a water color artist, and does these sort of pastel paintings that look pretty awesome. 

Click here to go to her Channel on YouTube

Michelle Phan
In case you don't know who this person is, Michelle Phan is a makeup artist that started on YouTube some years back, and is best known for her Avatar Inspired Makeup Tutorial, Lady Gaga Tutorial, another one on how to look like a vampire for halloween and a few others. Now there is a video, that is kinda old, but she basically talks about how she is an artist and how she went to art school, etc. And she does a fast drawing of Final Fantasy, which is Amazing. 

Now for those of you that do know who she is, I added her to this list, because she does paint, and do art, which you may have seen in a few of her videos. Which I will link the videos, and her channel down below. 

Final Fantasy Drawing 

Free Spirit (This shows a how to at the end) 

Click to go to Michelle's Channel 

Random Sketch

Has been a while since I have last posted, it feels like, and I would like to say that I have just gotten a new sketch book, and just to say, I'm going to try and do a Sketch a day, just to keep this blog active. 

Anyway, here is the random sketch: 
I decided to do something with Dragons, since I do love fantasy a lot, and have always enjoyed drawing them. (Hence the header for this blog site). 

I also want to add that it does have a bit of Mary Doodles look to it, which is nice. 

Sunday, February 8, 2015

House of Worlds (Concept)

This is the last concept for now that I am going to present to you, this was done over the summer in 2014 then later edited in december. 

I also would like to add that I finally decided on the main plot for the story as well. Which you will also see below after the new finalized drawing for the main cover of the comic. 

                                              CONCEPT THREE 
At first, I really didn't like how I had made the font (house) in bold and then the other (worlds) thinner. But then I figured, it will be fixed in photoshop later, when I make the final copy of the comic itself. 

The main character depicted here, is Rachel. Her cousin Taylor, will be shown later, possibly on the other side or in the background. As for the building, I am going to make it a more victorian type house, since I tend to go for the more classic look (when it comes to something that is more of a "thriller")(except this really isn't a thriller, more like a science fiction type with a bit of fantasy mixed in). 

Sunday, February 1, 2015


This is a random word art that I did in Photoshop CC, when I got some new galaxy brushes from DeviantArt. For some reason I feel this would look interesting on a box for some kind of software. 

I guess I say this because I've seen a few similar ones to this made by Apple. 

Thursday, January 29, 2015

American Greed (Fan Poster)

In case you don't know what American Greed is, it is a documentary TV show about scams, con artists, ponzi schemes and how to detect the three. The show itself is voiced by actor Stacy Keach. An actor known for the films Nebraska, Planes, Prison Break, and Mikey Spillane's Mike Hammer. One of the other interesting things about this show, are the graphics. Each episode features an interesting collage of the US dollar, DC buildings or Sky Scrapers all with a green overlay. 

Art Deco Style
As you can see here to the left, this is the fan poster of the series American Greed (mentioned above) one of my most favorite TV shows. The style I did this in, was obviously an Art Deco inspiration from the 1920's to the 1930's. 

And of course, I to add the signature Green Overlay over the entire thing, since Green is considered to be the color of Money and Envy (sometimes). 

This whole poster can also be seen in the making on my Instagram. 

I would say it took about 30 Minutes to an hour in total to complete this poster. Mostly because I was coming up with what to add here and there.

Thursday, January 15, 2015


It has been a while since I have last updated this blog site, because a few things have happened since then. In saying so, here is the latest on Artwork. 

Sketch Book 2015
This year I just decided to show more on how I tend to plan paintings and also just continue being creative in my sketch book. This first sketch I am showing you, is a pen and ink drawing (by pen and ink, I mean purple pen and some kind of refillable ink pen I have). 

If you play the game World of Warcraft, you'll get the reference in the first drawing. 

If you do not know what WoW is or never played it, it is basically an online fantasy game (mmorpg to be exact), that has millions of players worldwide and is a lot of fun. The speech bubble says: "The Flames, They lick .... They bite....Always biting". and the background has a flame saying "Yup", with teeth. 

The second photo was a sketch of a "selfie" (a picture I took of myself under a spotlight with blue lips) and one day I was bored and decided to sort of try my hand at "Shadowing" and ended up calling it "Shadows" since it seem to fit the picture. 

As for the purple pen, well, I had a purple pen, (and gold if you can see it) on me, along with an ink pen, and decided to use it. 

Also, I just wanted to add that, this is a lined notebook, and I just felt like using it because you can't really see the lines in it very well. I also picked it out since it is portable and you can pretty much sketch anywhere with it. 

Artwork (updated) 
What I am featuring now, is more updated pieces that I have done starting from December 2014 to now in 2015. 

This first piece doesn't have a name. It was basically something that I had created inspired by an artist's "Turn a Scribble into a Drawing" picture (which is below to the left) by Mary Doodles (who is also a youtuber, check out her channel here, she does awesome work). 

The actual name for the series is called "What will I Draw"? and the name of this particular video is called "Elbow scribble becomes a drawing"!  I will say that she is defiantly amazing at this, because when I tried it with some other drawings of mine, it was very difficult. 

As you can see, Mary included both hands, in which I just included one, the nails in hers are longer, and it has a more neon background as opposed to my more darker tone of yellow in mine. Though there are many more obvious differences in the two, it still was an interesting idea to cover. 

(Before I forget, mine was done in both copic and prisma color markers) (Mary's, the one to the left, was done using copic markers) 

Moving on to the next piece, (below) I have here a watercolor painting called "Elegance". This one is a tad bit different then the ones that I normally paint, but it has to be one of my more favorite paintings since it shows more detail then the previous ones. Of course this was also the time when I had actually gotten some better brushes and was able to add more detail to the painting itself. 

I also used a white pen to add the light in the pupils and a brownish yellow prisma color marker for the rectangular shapes or rays, behind the girl, but with out touching her head. 

There are more art pieces on the way, but those are going to be featured on my Deviant Art page. Mostly since these are a few picks that I wanted to sort of elaborate on. 

House of Worlds is coming soon, still working on it.